Diana Kilfeather |
Lincklaen Town Highway Garage 568 Union Valley Road, Pitcher, NY 13136 Phone: 315-852-1193 lincklaentownclerk@gmail.com 2024 OFFICE HOURS:
Mondays and Thursdays 4 pm - 6 pm Saturdays 8 am - noon ( January - February only) Tuesday 8am -noon (March - December only) office will be closed during the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas Day Drop Box: There is a new drop box on the side of the building that check payments for dog licenses and Property tax payments can be made. NO CASH PAYMENTS ARE ALLOWED. Please put your payment in a sealed envelope with your name and phone number on it. Thank you. |
Questions regarding property assessment & exemptions - call the assessor at (315) 308-0054. For Delinquent (unpaid) Tax information call (607) 337-1493 For questions regarding sales, tax maps, etc call Real Property Tax Services at (607) 337-1490 For Information on the STAR Program - call (518) 457-2036 or www.tax.ny.gov/star |
School Tax bills are due the beginning of October. Depending in which school district your property resides, that is where your school tax payment will be paid.